Don's miss ObservabilityCON 2024

September 24-25, New York City

Join us for Grafana Labs' flagship observability event and leave with what you need to advance your own observability roadmap.

Sign up to get notified

This event sold out quickly last year! Get early access and special pricing when registration opens.

Why attend ObservabilityCON 2024?

Preview LGTM Stack releases and solutions icon

Preview LGTM Stack releases and solutions

Learn how to leverage new features from Grafana Labs for deeper insights into application performance, improved end user experiences, and faster root cause analysis.

Deepen your OSS observability expertise icon

Deepen your OSS observability expertise

Take a hands-on workshop and attend technical deep dive sessions to sharpen your skills, and join the keynote to see what’s new and next in open source observability.

Connect with Grafana Labs experts icon

Connect with Grafana Labs experts

Get your technical questions answered by Grafana Labs experts, see new features in live demos, and learn from your peers in user success sessions.

Drive bigger business impact icon

Drive bigger business impact

Leave with actionable tips for growing your observability strategy to optimize performance, increase revenue, and boost customer satisfaction at your organization.

Agenda at a glance

Tuesday, Sept. 24

  • Hands-on workshops (additional ticket required)
  • Opening keynote
  • Technical sessions and user success stories
  • Ask the Experts booth
  • Live demos
  • Networking opportunities
  • Welcome reception

Wednesday, Sept. 25

  • Technical sessions and user success stories
  • Ask the Experts booth
  • Live demos
  • Networking opportunities

Apply to speak at ObservabilityCON

Share your observability success stories and projects with the wider Grafana and open source communities. Send in your application before June 10, 2024.

Submit your talk
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No need to wait to meet and mingle

Stop by and say hi in the #observabilitycon channel in Grafana Labs’ Community Slack.

Join us on slack ->
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Explore all the latest releases


How do I register for the event?
Registration will open at the end of June. Sign up to get notified when registration opens to take advantage of early bird pricing and secure a seat before they’re gone.
What is the cost to register for ObservabilityCON 2024?
Registration will open with Early Bird pricing and limited tickets are available at this price point. Workshop tickets will be an additional fee and can only be purchased with a conference ticket. Be sure to sign up to be notified when registration begins to take advantage of these discounted prices.
When will the agenda be made available?
The full conference agenda will be released by July.
Will the sessions be available to watch after the conference ends?
Most conference sessions will be recorded and published for on-demand viewing. The Opening Keynote will be available to stream live.
Do I need to register for each session that I want to attend?
Once you register to attend the event in person, you do not need to register for specific conference sessions; however, if you plan to attend a workshop, you will need to register for that separately to save your seat.
How do I register for a pre-conference workshop?
Registration for workshops will open on the same day as conference registration by July. A workshop ticket must be purchased in combination with a conference ticket.
Is there a way to network with other attendees?
Yes. During the event, there will be dedicated breaks, meals, and receptions for you to network with other attendees on both days. Connect with attendees before the conference via our Slack community.
Is there an event code of conduct?
Grafana Labs is committed to ensuring a safe and welcoming ObservabilityCON for all attendees, and our events team will be enforcing our Code of Conduct. We ask all who attend to please review it.
How can I sponsor the event?
We have a limited number of sponsorship opportunities. Please reach out to if you are interested.
Is there a press contact for this event?
You can email with inquiries.
Have additional questions?
Please direct any additional questions to